
    Rankings - Stratford Upon Avon Leagues

     Use damped levels (for seedings)
    Pos Player Country County Club Last event Last match Level Confidence Chart 
    Paul Greenwood ENG Warwicks Stratford upon Avon Stratford Upon Avon Leagues 11 Jun 2024  4,335   77% 
    Nigel Sharp ENG Warwicks Stratford upon Avon Stratford Upon Avon Leagues 11 Jun 2024  1,719   74% 
    Ross Baker ENG Warwicks Stratford upon Avon Stratford Upon Avon Leagues 18 Apr 2024  1,718   70% 
    Mike Andrews  Warwicks Stratford upon Avon Stratford Upon Avon Leagues 01 May 2024  1,679   75% 
    Karen Ramsey  Warwicks Stratford upon Avon Stratford Upon Avon Leagues 03 Jul 2024  1,265   76% 
    Darryl Finn ENG Warwicks Stratford upon Avon Stratford Upon Avon Leagues 09 May 2024  884   50% 
    Nick Poulten  Warwicks Stratford upon Avon Stratford Upon Avon Leagues 03 Jul 2024  444   43% 

    * Minimum number of events played only applies to players with level above 20,000.