

    Rick Prior - level 1,491

    Middx, Senior
    Level confidence - 31% after last match, 10% now.

    Level history - Last 10 matches


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    Head to head


    Player stats - Last 10 matches

    Matches played: 1 Won: 1 Lost: 0 Win ratio: 100% 
    Games played: 3 Won: 3 Lost: 0 Win ratio: 100% 
    Points played: 76 Won: 45 Lost: 31 Win ratio: 59% 
    Levels - Initial: 1,493, Year ago: TBD, Season start: TBD, Now: 1,491
    Change - Overall: -0%Last year: n/a, This season: n/a, Last match: -0%
    Last 4 - Level: 1,491, Level played at: 1,484, Trend: 0%
    Lowest level: n/a Highest level: n/a 
    Rankings - Club: n/a, County: n/a, Country: n/a, All: n/a 

    Match history - Last 10 matches

    MatchOpponentGame scores Result
    Finchley Manor Boxes
    20 Aug 2018
    [Level 1493  +0%]
    Level confidence: 10%
    Paul Hensman
    [Level 998  +0%]
    Level confidence: 73%